Amplify for Creatives
The 567 Center is offering a series of free monthly Artist Entrepreneurship workshops from September 2019-June 2020.
How to Sell Your Artwork in a Gallery
Every art gallery is a little different, but there are a lot of things that are the same. Artists and aspiring artists are invited to come hear from some of Macon's gallery owners and curators, including Macon Arts Alliance, Travis Jean Emporium, and The 567 Center. They'll talk about how to get your artwork into their gallery and how selling your artwork through the gallery works from the time your artwork arrives to the time it leaves. You'll learn everything gallery owners wish artists knew about selling your artwork in a gallery. This workshop is free to attend! Registration is encouraged but not required. March 24 at 6:30 pm at The 567 Center.
Time Management for Artists
Being a working artist is hard--juggling time to be creative with time selling your work, on top of personal responsibilities and possibly another job to pay the bills...this workshop will help you get organized and make the most of the 168 hours you have in a week. The workshop will be led by artist Beth Smith. This event is free. Registration is encouraged but not required. April 18 at 3:30 pm at The 567 Center.